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Lightweight framework

Lightweight scaffolding: Constructions made of aluminum the best choice

Those who want to buy a lightweight scaffold, usually looking for a scaffold made of aluminum. Compared to their steel counterparts, scaffold structures made of aluminum are characterized by a significantly lower dead weight and thus easier handling. At the same time, lightweight scaffolding made of aluminum impresses with its weather resistance and can be used for many years even with repeated use in the sun, rain and frost, because the material does not rust. Therefore, lightweight scaffolding is also ideal if you want to buy a used scaffold.

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Light scaffold = buy aluminum scaffold Whether used as a construction or mobile scaffold, the great advantage of aluminum scaffolding is its minimal weight with maximum application possibilities. The individual scaffold materials are combined in such a way that they can be assembled, dismantled, transported and stored as easily as possible. Lightweight scaffolds are usually based on vertical aluminum frames equipped with robust decking (aluminum frame with wood or screen printing decking). It should be noted that certain scaffold components, such as scaffold feet (threaded base plates) or back guard rails, must be made of steel for safety reasons. You are not yet sure which material the scaffolding for your construction project should be made of? Or would you like to buy a (used) aluminum scaffold right away? The Heep Gerüsthandel team will be happy to help you.

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